First learned SITH® from Morrnah Simeona over 37 years ago in Pennsylvania. During this time, she has applied her tools throughout her work in home health care assisting elderly, handicapped, disabled, and addicted clients. Using the SITH® Tools with her work has made her particularly fond of the Health Ho’oponopono, experiencing the importance of focus on specific memories like fine-tuning the lens of a camera.
Now living in Hawai’i and particularly as of late, working with her little 5 ½ acre farm, she is increasingly aware of the importance of the Business Ho’oponopono as a business of Life. She has come to realize she cannot have a healthy or working relationship outside of self until there is a good health and business order of affairs within.
Her first class was in Philadelphia, PA, February 1986. She volunteered as staff for the very next class and has been supporting SITH® ever since. She is now coordinator and Instructor for Volcano, Hilo, and Kona on the Hawai’i Island and coordinated the Gold Coast, Hawai’i, BASIC II in 2012.
IN PERSON classes include USA, Europe, Australia, Canada, and South America. ONLINE classes include USA, South America, Asia, and Southeast Asia.
Wai`ale`a is also an IZI LLC Instructor doing SITH® Private Sessions in Asia and Southeast Asia.